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What Every Web Marketer Ought to Know in the New Year

I’ve decided to follow Darren Rowse’s lead this holiday week (if you’re going to imitate someone, start at the top!), and post a series of “best of” posts looking back on the past year.

It won’t be completely comprehensive, but will point you to some worthwhile content and help you focus your marketing efforts for the new year.

Each post will have a theme: web marketing, headlines, email marketing, marketing mistakes (and fixes), and freebies.

Today’s theme is web marketing. I’ll add the links to the rest of the theme posts as they go live.

Here are some posts with tips on better landing pages, getting more clicks from your CTAs, and common web marketing mistakes.

7 Little Things That Can Mess Up Your Web Site

What Do Landing Pages Have in Common with Grade School?

Get More Clicks on Your Calls to Action

Image: ilco

Three Key Things You Should Know Before You Start a Marketing Campaign

I got my annual telemarketing call from The DMA today.

The one where they try to sell me a vendor listing on their site.  Last year, it cost $395.

First, they try to tell me about The DMA. I know about The DMA, I used to work there.

Then, they try to explain why I should pay $395 (or whatever it costs now) to get a listing when Google will put me on the Web for free.

If I want an ad, I bet I can get quite a bit of Adwords for $395 — and Google keeps sending me discount coupons too.

Lastly, they got my name wrong. It’s Jodi. Not Judy.

Why would I want your product?

If you’re trying to sell me something, explain why I would want it. Will my listing be at the top of the page, or buried somewhere? Is there a paper directory that gets distributed to DMA members? Or special distribution at conferences and events?

What problem of mine does it solve? (that’s mine, not theirs)

What would I get from it that I can’t get from Google? Will more of “my people” (ideal clients) see my name? Do they have data showing the response rates? Your product has to cure your clients’ headaches (not yours).

Have you done your research?

Before you try to sell something:

  • check if there’s a market for it
  • be certain the perceived value is higher than the price
  • identify your market and know how to reach them
  • understand your market’s needs/pain/wants/desires
  • listen carefully when they tell you something (like their names)

What’s the worst telemarketing call you ever got?

Image:jorge vicente

7 Secret Shortcuts for Writing Great Headlines


Image: autiscy

The headline is the first thing that catches a reader’s eye. Nobody (except for judges in advertising competitions) will read your entire post or ad unless the headline does its job.

If you’re stuck for ideas, here are seven headline tips and formulas that make creating headlines easy.

1. Start with a number

People love lists. They promise knowledge, quick help, and understanding of complex problems— in a format that’s easy to read and digest.

2. Ask readers if they make common mistakes

A headline asking if readers made “these common mistakes in English” was a bit direct mail hit long ago. Ask your readers if they make these common design mistakes, or web development errors.

3. Offer a quiz

It’s fun to test your knowledge, especially if it’s a contest. Have your readers see how well they do on common (or uncommon tests of grammar, design, or photography tricks.

4. Make a big promise

Offer to get rid of [horrible problem] once and for all. Or, a quick, easy way to do something hard.: Get a web site that’s impressive and easy!

5. Offer inside information or big savings

Everything you need to know to get cheaper software, or how to (do something that’s usually expensive) on a budget.

6. Create an especially large list

This is particularly effective in social media or blog posts you want bookmarked or shared. List 51 design tools under $50, or 27 free marketing ideas. The longer the list, the more important it appears.

7. List the best (or the worst) examples

“The best software under $50,” or “The worst marketing email. Ever. ” Why is that software so great?  And what made that email so awful?  The only way to learn the answer is to read the article.

What are your best sources of inspiration for headlines? Share them in the comments.

And how many of the headline formulas did I use in this post?

The Worst Way to Get Signups for Your Webinar

webinar_worldleI got an FYI email yesterday from a newsletter I subscribe to. It offered me a free download of a social media webinar.

I thought, “Cool, sounds like useful information and I can use it for ‘Freebie Friday’. I’ll download it, watch it, and spread it.”

Lots of obstacles

I clicked on the download link. Instead of a download, I got taken to a page asking for:

  • my full name
  • my email address
  • my company name
  • my title
  • whether my company was business-to-business or sold to consumers
  • what kind of business I had, and
  • my biggest marketing challenge.

Whew! That’s an awful lot of fields to fill in. I don’t want to submit all of that information for a webinar. There are too many barriers. I smell “big sales pitch” and it stinks.

Sorry, I’m not filling it in, and I’m not spreading your webinar either.

The right way to get webinar signups

  • Cut the fields to the bare minimum
  • List the top 3 reasons to subscribe
  • Tell them it’s free
  • Explain how (just click here, fill in your name)

Create content that spreads easily

  • Encourage pass-alongs
  • Skip the sales pitch
  • Be helpful.  Include useful information (that people will want to forward)
  • Use easy-to-understand words. This one offered lessons from memetics. I have no clue what that means.

Yes, they did get me to talk about their business, but probably not in the way they intended.

What tips do you have for spreading your webinars (or any other free content)?

How to Turn Your Clients Into Raving Fans

happy fans

Would you like your clients to be raving fans?

The germ of this idea started a few weeks ago when I went to a focus group. A big financial services company wanted to roll out new tools for small businesses to help them manage their money.

Afterward, I thought, what do small business owners really want today? They want more business!

Help your clients, and yourself too

What if you were the company that helped them get it? What if your company brought those together — and offered a true relationship?

Use strategies that bring people back, and get them talking, so other businesses will want to join in.

I don’t care about shopping points or coupons I must use in 30 days. I do care about a company that takes the time to listen, and develop a relationship.

Unless you’re different and worth talking about nobody will be interested. You have to interact and show you actually care.

A little something extra

A free soup strategy, that brings a smile to your customers’ faces.

Thank you notes or birthday cards.  A gift card for their favorite coffee shop.  Or, a framed photo of their favorite sports team’s championship win.

Help them help each other.

Encourage one client to help another. Introduce the florist to the candy-maker. Or, host events for small businesses, bringing the florist, the candy-maker, and the jewelry designer into the same room.

Invite clients for breakfast, ask them for ideas, let them interact, and brainstorm. Watch how they use your tools. What’s obvious to you (because you’ve lived with it for two years) may not be to people who haven’t.

When you go to events, listen more. Be the person who brings people together (rather than the person with the big sales pitch).

What are you doing to bring your clients together?

Image: Lucy Boynton