Friday Fun: How to Make Clients Happy

I normally wouldn’t push Coca-Cola, but this is fun (has a good marketing lesson too).  First, watch the video.

People go for a Coke, and get something a little extra (or a lot extra). You can do this too. Give people something a little extra, like a favicon for their new web site, or send a box of cookies (for no reason). It’s remarkable. It spreads (just like this video).

Friday Fun: Cool Tools for Web Developers and Creatives

The letter A in different fonts
Image via Wikipedia

Today’s list has several different font finders (a great help when I needed to help my brother match the typeface on his wedding invitations so he could print matching envelopes), and a little inspiration for writing blog posts when your brain is spinning in mud.

There’s also a link to a thesaurus that helps you rhyme (as well as find synonyms.

Lastly, a search “engine” for icons.  If you’re not quite sure how to get the idea of “content management” across in an icon check here.

Font finders

Got a font you can’t identify? Send the image to What The Font. They’ll find the closest match. Or post it on their forum, where font enthusiasts will sort it out.

If you prefer the do-it-yourself approach, check out Identifont. Answer some questions about the font and their software will help you determine which font it is.

Thesaurus with a twist

Stuck for the right word? Test out the Big Huge Thesaurus. Synonyms, antonyms, even rhymes.

Blog post/story line ideas

The people (or maybe it’s the computers) at big huge labs have this covered too. Try out their story line generator.


Search the iconfinder for free icons you can download and use on your blog or web site.

Friday Fun: What’s Your Favorite Business Quote?

Logo of the Funk & Wagnalls Company, taken fro...

Image via Wikipedia

Here are some of mine (from some pretty random sources).

Godot never comes! – Thom Singer (from a recent comment on Chris Brogan’s blog).

Waiting (and waiting) for perfection, or for someone to save you, won’t move you forward. Instead of waiting, do something. It’s OK if it fails, which leads me to..

Give yourself a D – Seth Godin (Linchpin)

Failure happens. If it does, you’ve learned something.

I have always believed that writing advertisements is the second most profitable form of writing. The first, of course, is ransom notes . . . ~ Philip Dusenberry

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds – Albert Einstein

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when? – Hillel

This may not seem to have a lot to do with marketing, but it does. If you only give and give you will be poor and hungry. It is OK to want to earn money for your work, and be paid accordingly. However, if you only interrupt people and act selfishly, you will be perceived as greedy and self-centered. Give some things away (but not everything). What are you waiting for? If it’s Godot, he’s not coming.

What are your favorites? Share them below.