Tuesday Travels: How to Get More Traction on Social Media

Rock climbing (B&W)

Rock climbing (B&W) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Today’s Tuesday Travels focuses on social media tips. We all know social media is out there. Some of us are rock stars, others are cautiously dipping our toes in the water.  These social media tips can help both social media newbies and veterans.

How to Be a Social Media Rock Star – Kristi Hines shows you how to stand out on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.  I particularly like her suggestion to bookmark the URLs of  your profiles for easy access; an “obvious” tip which I never thought of!

Google Hangout on Air Comment Tracker – An extension that lets you see (and respond to) Google+ post comments right inside your Hangout.

Google+ and Flipboard – Google+ streams are coming to Flipboard (tablet app that turns RSS feeds into a “magazine” format). You’ll be able to comment, +1, and share to your circles.  It should look better than the current G+ app too (which is just awful on tablets).

(Oh, and the head of Google+ just said it will never have ads!).

How Photos Attract More Viewers on Social Media – pictures attract eyeballs (people especially like to look at people).  Here are some tips on how to get more viewers to your posts.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Travels: How to Get More Traction on Social Media

  1. Thanks for sharing my post here! Glad you liked the bookmarking tip – I almost forgot to add it in, but I was using it to fill out my author bio for the post and realized how much simpler it makes my life when I need those links. 🙂

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