Just For Fun: Playing with Keywords

Google Analytics Hacks

So, this morning I decided to look at my keywords to see which ones were bringing traffic to my site.

Some made perfect sense, such as my name, the name of the blog, or topics I write about.  I know why someone would come to my site after typing in “write great email headlines” or “marketing with postcards” or “fix broken marketing.”

But what was Google “thinking” when it sent people here who typed “free construction contractor letterhead template with a hammer” or “how to stop brain thieves.”  Er, if you want to stop brain thieves, kill the zombies!

One was almost like blank verse, “appreciate beauty with others affection/resist domination by others/emulate the admirable/acquire or collect things.”

What are your oddest analytics results?  Share them in the comments.

6 thoughts on “Just For Fun: Playing with Keywords

  1. Jodi, I’m always amused by the strange search terms people use to find blogs and websites. I wrote a post about it at IT’S BROKEN (link on my name) and included examples from your post, which I think are great. :-).

    • Adriana, there are some cases that make some sense (twilight zone, wicked witch, etc. since I’ve used images of those things in my posts), but the brain-eating??! Just left a comment on your blog.

  2. Jodi, because I published a piece on my vasectomy a while back, and undoubtedly because it’s a fascinating subject, one of the recurring search terms I saw that brought people to my site was “drooping scrotum.”

    Imagine my delight! I’ll have to use the Monte Carlo calculations (from your other post) to figure the odds…

    • Tom, you are, as always, inimitable. Let me know how those calculations work out. 😉

  3. Thank you for commenting at IT’S BROKEN, Jodi! Our audience consists mainly of computer scientists who are the non-commenting type, so your note was much appreciated :-). Brain-eating… go figure why Google thought your blog would be a good fit for people searching this topic, heehee.

    • You’re welcome. You’re making a good point – that many computer types are very good at making computers do things, but not so good at creating interfaces that “civilians” intuitively understand. As for the brain-eating (watch, now that we’ve said it three times, I’ll get more traffic from it), no clue.

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