Friday Fun: Open Mic


Image via Wikipedia

Today, I thought I’d have an open mic day (like comedy clubs, but with better lighting).

If you’ve got something you’d like to see, a topic you want covered, speak up. If there’s a cool tool I haven’t found yet, share it in the comments.

Or, even if you’ve got a burning question about email marketing, or anything else I can help with. (Although if it’s about Justin Bieber I haven’t a clue).

Speak up. Raise your hand. Wave even.

2 thoughts on “Friday Fun: Open Mic

  1. Jodi, I’m close to finishing an ebook for sale, and I want to thank you for giving me new ideas about lists, landing pages and customer contacts in your many helpful posts. I don’t have a specific question now, because I’m working on all that stuff I’ve learned. (And I think for your many other readers, it’s probably the same.) Thanks!

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