Claiming My Blog in Technorati

I just read Chris Brogan’s great post on blogging tips. One of them was to claim my blog in Technorati, which I just did.

Why claim your blog? Here are five reasons why:

1) You’ll be listed in Technorati’s blog directory
2) Your profile will show up in Technorati search results
3) Gain eligibility to be featured on Technorati’s channel pages
4) Use and install Technorati widgets. Use the widgets to add a “Favorite Me” button, show your Technorati authority, or add a tag cloud.
5) Get higher indexing priority when Technorati gets a ping (an alert from your blog that you’ve updated it).

Here’s how to claim your own blog. Go to Technorati. Create an account, add the name of your blog, create a profile (a little mini-me bio), and write a short description of the blog. They’ll send you an email to confirm, and then have you add a link to your site (which you can later erase). It’s like a double-opt-in for a newsletter to confirm you are who you say you are.

You can read the rest of Chris’s tips here.