Freebie Friday: Helping Others

freebie_fridayThis post isn’t about marketing, in the traditional sense. It’s about telling a story, not about your brand, or your company, but about other people -specifically homeless people. It’s not about going to a soup kitchen to help out (though that’s certainly a good thing), it’s about doing something that can make a lasting difference in people’s lives. You know, teaching a man to make bread himself, rather than giving him a handout of bread.

My friend Becky has written an e-book full of ways to do this. The book is free, go download it here.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming on Monday.

Eat, Drink, and be Thankful

Today is Thanksgiving in the US (affectionately known as Turkey Day, because that’s what most people eat to celebrate). It commemorates the Pilgrims and the Indians sitting down to a feast in the “New World.”

If you’re in the US, Happy Thanksgiving. If not, happy Thursday. Either way, take a minute to be happy for the good things in your life.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to start cooking. NO turkey here (we’re having chicken with 40 cloves of garlic instead). Shhh, don’t tell anyone.

Photo:David Lat