How To Get the Best About Page

Your about page is usually one of the most visited pages on your site.  People stop, look at your post, or your home page, and then click to find out more. So, how can you get the best possible about page?

award for being the best

Image via Wikipedia

Standard “about” pages have some background about you, when you started your company, maybe awards you won, how long you’ve been in business and so on.

That’s OK, but it’s not really giving your visitors what they really want to see.

What people really want from your about page

They don’t really want to know about you at all

What they do want to know is.. whether you can help them.

So, take a look at your page.

Is it interchangeable with any other about page?  Are you cutting edge?  A leader?  An award-winner?

So are thousands of other firms.

What’s on the best about pages

You’re creative.  Stand out.  Yes, the work is important, and you should, of course, include samples. Link to examples of your best work.  It didn’t have to win awards.  Just show the work  you enjoyed.  And the work that got the best results.  Link to testimonials from your page, with whatever details you and the client can share.

The best about page connects with people

Sure, search engine spiders patrol the web, but pages and websites are read by actual people.  And businesses (says the Supreme Court) are people too.  The court thinks they get a “vote,” but in this case, the businesses are composed of people.  People make the decisions about who to work with, and whether firm A is a better fit than Firm B.

There’s no need to share anything embarrassing or get way too personal about what you had for lunch or your favorite brand of toilet paper.

Instead, share a few details about yourself, or your company.  Small details that will make your readers smile, or think, “oh yes, that’s happened to me too.”

Like how every Friday is worst music video ever day.  Or or a big project that nearly crashed and burned (but turned out to be a triumph).

Include a few favorite quotes, or a great piece of advice your grandmother gave you.

Don’t hide

People like pictures – of real people.  Include a picture of yourself (or your staff for a company page). Skip the stock photos (they’re not creative anyway). If your office is in a fun location (right next store to the Brooklyn Bridge), or it’s decorated in mid-century furniture, show photos of it.

Discuss your favorite clients

Talk about your favorite projects (and why you loved them).

Describe who you work for (not just specific companies, but types of companies).  Not that they’re industry leaders or innovators.  That’s important, but what you really need is a more complete picture of the client.

Which industries are your clients in?  What size?  What makes them appealing to you?  Why did  you decide to focus on those companies (and only those companies)?

Who you won’t work for

Face it, there are clients who probably just don’t appeal to you.  Maybe they’re too big (and bureaucratic), or maybe they have different corporate values, or maybe they’re in industries you just find plain boring.  That’s OK, you don’t have to work for everybody. In fact, you can make more by marketing to fewer people.

Stand for something

Spell out what your philosophy is (and have one).  If you’re committed to green technology, or supporting local stores vs. Walmart, then say so.

Spell out who you are, and who you’re not.

Continue the conversation

Give people an incentive to continue the conversation.  Include a newsletter signup.  Or a link to a free ebook (maybe tips on how to choose a designer or a web developer).

To continue this conversation, add something in the comments.